The Spoken Word

The spoken word is the foundation of reading and reading comprehension. Words given voice create awareness to a child’s perception of his world, to the people in it, to the animals in it, and to higher levels of understanding. But first the verbalized word. Talk to them at every opportunity. It awakens them. Their brains and awareness expand. Their mouth, ears and eyes are their gateway to knowledge and education. Engage your child in conversation about anything. Connecting fun and silly words with sounds are the basis of my reading theories. But first talk to them about the world right in front of them. What is happening right here and right now ? Verbalization springboards your child’s awareness, understanding, and maybe even his brain. His ability to express himself has great meaning to him, to his teachers and to his parents. This process keeps growing and expanding as more and more  knowledge and awareness come forth. His world expands, and his interest in learning and in school take off!

But then along comes the screens with an odd and uncharacteristic silence. A certain quiet descends and children are easier to handle with less effort from a parent when they are sitting over somewhere totally engrossed in a screen. But think about it. Is this what you want? Sure, some is OK, but there are parents who are very restrictive about screen time as it is very apparent what is going on here. There is no talking and no physical activity, and who knows what is influencing your child on these screens.  Is this normal? Is this what you want? What do you think? Does this bother you? Is this OK with you? Children mimic behavior with what they see. Is this how you want them to spend their time?

Reading is an activity of great value as it opens a child world to adventures, imagination, and excitement.  This is what I propose. Early reading is the key to their kingdoms to open doors to their futures.

Please take a look!


Gifted Children

Gifted children are in my family, and I have been proactively aware of their development for many decades. It is my opinion, to actively converse with them early on in their lives, and certainly teach them to read, as they will be actively engaged participants esp. using my methods. Reading ability will be easy. One on one active conversations will be necessary as they enter into this world  their high gifts.

It is my opinion to keep them in public school in gifted classes along with targeted home schooling targeted to their natural talents, so that they are better able to function in the world. To be isolated from the usual kids doesn’t strengthen them. But this is just my opinion.  The people in the world have far less mental ability, but the gifted have to know how to adapt, adjust and function in this truth, and to contribute to all. It is their calling.

I invite you to look here

Hi Parents and Grandparents!


I wanted to do something creative and fun with my children and later grandchildren. I wanted to devise a reading program that was stress free and joyful. I did. They never knew what was happening…

Explore the possibilities.  O, I just learned that my grand daughter reads at the seventh grade level now! She is in the fourth grade.


Find out how~~~~~~!!!

Get the book


Joyful Conversations

Teaching your kiddo to read is about joyful communication. You will step into his world of what brings him happiness, and what words “light” him up. You will be “mining” for these as an avenue to teach sounds. You want to enter his funny world…his world of enchantment in order to connect and teach sounds. Watch for this amusing door to open. This will bring mutual enthusiam to you and your child, and your delight in him will transfer to a wonderful learning environment. The caterpillar will change into a butterfly who reads…right before your eyes. It will take time and patience, but it will happen. Your joy and pride will bubble up as you observe him understanding and capturing this process. Let me show you how.


Early reading ability is so exciting! It brings your developing child such confidence, and a knowledge of his burgeoning internal  strength. There are lots of “feel goods” here…happiness with himself/herself, a certain pride in his or her own accomplishments, learning new words, an opening of his/her intellectual understanding and overcoming this first big schooling challenge. School in her estimation isn’t so hard after all, and “I can look forward with excitement to going to school with confidence and enthusiam. I can do this…no problem!”





Little Boys and Reading

Getting little boys to read is especially challenging. Their energy is in their legs and general physicality, and to have them sit down to read can be daunting.  You gotta get them early, and my method works beautifully with them. To relate silly words, as I describe in my book, to basic phonic sounds is perfect for them, and the only way to teach them. They love acting silly and running around, so to get their attention is the real hope and goal. My method fits in perfectly. I watch my 7 year old grandson now who is an expert reader for his age, and know that this method works beautifully. He receives unending praise and kudos from his teacher.

Get the book. He will love it!

Screen Solitude

Our children’s addiction to their screens is isolating them from outdoor play, reading and from their natural talents. It is teaching them to be alone, and be silenced by technology. If we do the same, we are modeling this behavior to them.

Facebook, I just learned, hires gambling consultants to keep us attracted of the screens flashing in front of us no matter our ages. There is constant stimulation with distractions galore, a never ending flow of information, and games without any depth of thought, and in the extreme there is an alienation from others and even ourselves.

Inner conversation is lost, and so is adaptation to life and self knowledge. It is hard for children to pay attention to anything outside of this. Screens can disrupt their thought and focus with this constant stimulation and a never ending flow of superficial information. They can become irritable and kind of vacant if the screen is taken away. Random chatter is less, and an odd silence in a family can take hold. They are present and not present.

Children do not need to be connected to this type of isolating experience. Let’s not teach them to be alone or even consumed with this meaningless involvement.

Start teaching them to read early…

Get the book




Political reasons for illiteracy?

Some people have told me that there are reasons for the poor literacy rates in this country. Each person and family have to take a look at this issue to decide for themselves. But the literacy rates in our elementary schools are appalling with two thirds of fourth graders not reading up to grade level. Many high school graduates have to take remedial classes in college, and some call a high school diploma as fraudulent. Why?….Take a look or at least look at the comments in this book on amazon

Makes one wonder….a poorly educated populace is easier to manipulate. Just make sure that this doesn’t happen at your house.

Start early, and make sure your child is prepared for a fully functioning life.