Screen Solitude

Our children’s addiction to their screens is isolating them from outdoor play, reading and from their natural talents. It is teaching them to be alone, and be silenced by technology. If we do the same, we are modeling this behavior to them.

Facebook, I just learned, hires gambling consultants to keep us attracted of the screens flashing in front of us no matter our ages. There is constant stimulation with distractions galore, a never ending flow of information, and games without any depth of thought, and in the extreme there is an alienation from others and even ourselves.

Inner conversation is lost, and so is adaptation to life and self knowledge. It is hard for children to pay attention to anything outside of this. Screens can disrupt their thought and focus with this constant stimulation and a never ending flow of superficial information. They can become irritable and kind of vacant if the screen is taken away. Random chatter is less, and an odd silence in a family can take hold. They are present and not present.

Children do not need to be connected to this type of isolating experience. Let’s not teach them to be alone or even consumed with this meaningless involvement.

Start teaching them to read early…

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