More Fun Questions

As a child’s vocabulary and their expressing themselves help in reading comprehension, here are a few more child friendly questions.

What was or is your favorite children’s story? I loved Charlotte’s Web, but it was a little sad. I also loved Babar the Elephant. My sister loved Winnie the Pooh. How about you?

What is your favorite food? Is pizza our national food? I hope not.

I wish animals could talk, do you? What do you think that they would say?

What food do you like the best at Thanksgiving?

What is your favorite pie?…favorite ice cream?

Do you dream?…Can you remember what they are about?

What is your favorite color? Do you have a dress that color?

Do you feel yourself growing?….nobody does, but you are.

I can’t imagine a family without children. Can you feel how glad we are to have you alive right here, right now, and in our family?….Love you, Good Night







I love talking to my grand children to see what they are thinking about, and to just know them better. My grand daughter loves for me to ask her questions beyond “how was school today?,” so I have thought up a few questions and I encourage you to think up yours. We are usually very relaxed during these conversations when she is my kitty who needs her back scratched.

What are the three most interesting things about you? What do you like doing the most?

If you could be an animal, which one would it be…why?

Would you like to fly like a bird or go underwater like a dolphin?

What is your first memory?

Did you ever believe in giants?

What is your idea of a perfect day?

What is your favorite outdoor game…indoor game?

What was the best thing that happened to you today? Did you help anyone?

Who has been your favorite teacher?…why?

Are you aware of God in your life…how?